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Travel: We Now Offer Yellow Fever Vaccine

By November 30, 2014February 21st, 2020No Comments
Victoria Falls requires yellow fever vaccine

Victoria Falls requires yellow fever vaccine

Members who plan travel to certain countries in sub-Saharan Africa or tropical South America should obtain and may be required to have current immunization with vaccine against yellow fever. Orchard Health Care now stocks and offers that vaccine as part of our complete travel medicine immunization services.

OHC complete travel medicine service

We have always offered individualized advice about travel safety and a wide range of needed immunizations, such as adult polio, hepatitis B, typhoid and others, as well as antibiotic and intestinal medications to help with traveler’s diarrhea. This fall we earned approval to administer yellow fever vaccine and provide the international yellow-card certification, so we can now prepare you medically for trips to any destination world-wide.

For any international trip that may require immunizations, please be sure to inquire with us some months in advance. Many immunizations take several weeks to be effective and some require more than one shot spaced a month apart. Yellow fever protection is not valid until at least 10 days after the actual shot.

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