Dear Patient,
A few quick notes.
New Blog Posts
I am trying to write shorter, more timely and more frequent blog posts that will be relevant and interesting to you. Some examples from January (vitamins, successful dieting) and from February (viruses and sinus infections,high blood pressure, osteoporosis) can be viewed by clicking those links.
Or, in general go to our home page and click on the Health News Blog in the left column to get to that page. Blog posts may also appear on Did You Know? or on Ask Dr. Kanner tabs depending on their content. Comments, suggestions or other feedback are welcome.
Short Feb, April vacations
I have 2 short vacations scheduled this winter, one next week (beginning Feb 18) to go warm, and another the first week in April to visit the grandson in California. The office will be open with staff as usual and Dr. Przybylski, my excellent internist colleague, will provide the doctor component as needed. Most of you will be unaware I had snuck out for a bit.
South Africa Safari in October!
Linda and I will celebrate our 45th anniversary this fall by traveling to South Africa for most of the month of October beginning in the second week. We greatly look forward to going to the game parks and seeing Capetown, Victoria Falls and so forth, a trip many of you have made and raved about. We are definitely excited.
I know your acute medical needs and routine administrative support will be fully met during my absence in October, as for shorter absences, by our nursing staff (Jean and Lindsay) and admin staff (Trish and Susanna) together with Dr. Przybylski and his office. He works well advising the nurses, and essentially every OHC member who has seen Dr. P. has been pleased with him and the quality of care he provided. So I will sleep calmly on the trip.
The main logistical issue is to comfortably rearrange those comprehensive annual exams that are now scheduled for October or, if not yet scheduled, have previously occurred that month. Trish and I are confident the admin staff can make mutually satisfactory alternative appointments, but we will need your cooperation for advance planning.
Only a few of you, mainly those heading south for the winter, really have a constrained time window. So let’s begin to think on this issue at your next appointment with us, or contact at any time to alert us to your preferences and constraints. I will adjust my routine availability before or after that October vacation, if needed, to accommodate your schedule. I am into seamless.
Additionally, and quite relevant, I am moving into high gear to locate an excellent younger associate to have in place this year. I’ll keep everyone posted.
Enjoy the cold weather. The trees need the chill time. Think on spring planting. I am.
Your doctor,