We are offering another Moderna Covid-19 booster clinic for our OHC members on Monday, November 22, from 10 a.m. to noon. PLEASE SIGN UP TO GET YOUR BOOSTER.
Age over 18 now officially eligible
The Mass Department of Public Health just this morning officially expanded the eligibility for the booster to include anyone who is over 18 and at least six months out from primary immunization with Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
If you haven’t gotten your booster yet, PLEASE SIGN UP on our calendar or call the office for an appointment.
Possibly our last Covid booster clinic
We have had difficulty filling the schedule in the last two clinics in order to fully utilize each Moderna vaccine vial, which contain 25 doses that expire within a day once the bottle is opened. We know that many members have already gotten their boosters elsewhere, which is likely the reason.
We will expand Monday’s clinic as needed if the demand warrants to accommodate everyone who asks. If the clinic again is undersubscribed, we likely will defer offering further clinics ourselves and rely on members going to the other resources (drugstores especially) to get boosters, as most did for their primary immunizations. We will continue to offer influenza vaccine to anyone who needs.