In June 2022 we are living with Covid-19 and likely will do indefinitely. I provide a compact comprehensive look at the current state of the disease and how it affects us, prevention and available treatments, and advice about how to prudently enjoy your summer.
We moved up the start of our Covid-19 vaccine booster clinics with Moderna vaccine to this Friday, April 15 because of escalating breakthrough infections among our members. Anyone over 50 is eligible if your first booster was at least 4 months ago. Younger people who are immunosuppressed also are eligible. We intend to continue Friday clinics so long as there is vaccine demand from our membership.
Orchard Health Care will offer its members Covid-19 booster #2 clinics with Moderna vaccine in May. Anyone over age 50 is eligible, as well as those younger with immunodeficiency. We will set and announce the dates later in April. Oral treatments such as Paxlovid are now available. Masks still frequently make sense indoors.
Moderna booster clinic Monday, December 13. Call the office to reserve a spot. Omicron coming. You want the booster.
We are offering another (possibly last) Moderna Covid-19 booster clinic on Monday Nov 18. The Mass Department of Public Health just this morning officially expanded the eligibility for the booster to include anyone who is over 18 and at least six months out from primary immunization with Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. PLEASE SIGN UP.
We will now offer Moderna boosters to all OHC members, regardless of age or conditions, who are at least six months past their primary immunization. Please sign up on the schedule.
We continue to offer Covid-19 vaccine clinics with Moderna boosters. The next one available for signup is Monday, November 15.
We have received a supply of frozen Moderna vaccine sufficient to give booster shots to all OHC members over the next 6 weeks or so. We plan clinics ever Monday and Friday with signup on our website. Moderna can be used as booster regardless of your initial vaccine series. We will follow CDC eligibility guidelines as we start these clinics next Monday 11/8. We will also offer open standby appointments to cover no-shows.
New antiviral medicine and effective long-acting antibody injections will dramatically improve our tools to fight Covid-19 around New Year’s. It’s time to look up!